Handsom man needs a new home.....

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Handsom man needs a new home.....

Postby rich&sassy » Wed May 21, 2014 3:20 pm


A colleague at work has a grandson who has aspergers and is now needing permanent residential care.

Unfortunately he is not allowed to take Kye, his 4yr old BC with him.


I received this from my colleague:

"Hi Richard this is Kye he is 4years old a red boarder collie. We have tried every rescue centre within a 30 mile radius but they are all full and because he has not had his vaccines as far as we know as Damien has only had him for a year but b4 that he was used for breading hence still also having his bits. Kye is a shy dog and a bit nippy sometimes but ones he gets used to you he's adorable its just sad that Damien is not allowed to keep him even though he has aspergers and he has him for emotional support, so we have to rehome Kye"

I think they are on a short timescale and have suggested the local collie rescue - local to Bracknell, Berkshire, UK.

If any body can help or has any rescue suggestions then please PM me and I will put you into contact with her.

He is a lovely boy and Damien is devestated at having to give him up.

Thanks for reading.........
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Re: Handsom man needs a new home.....

Postby rich&sassy » Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:12 pm

Just an update.....Kye hsd gone to Battersea.
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