a small project i amworking on....

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a small project i amworking on....

Postby shane-uk » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:59 pm

hey guys

just thought i would share with you a small project i am working on at the min

a friend of mine wanted to setup a online shop selling homemade/crafted good so i designed a site to how she wanted but it wasnt to my liking so i have started it again

maybe you can give me your thoughts on the 2 designs before i get to far with the new design

(the products listed are only for testing and some links are not linked yet)

http://eden-onlineshop.com the first design

http://eden-onlineshop.com/2012/ the new design

Re: a small project i amworking on....

Postby SallyM47 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:30 pm

Hello Shane

Looks like a lot of work! I personally prefer the newer version - it's cleaner and 'fresher' - I do like pink and purple but think the older one is 'too much' /too 'heavy'!!

Good luck with the project.
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Re: a small project i amworking on....

Postby shane-uk » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:52 pm

yes that was how i felt but it was what my friend wanted

thats why i started it again to show her how it could look [smile]

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