HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [OFF TOPIC]

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Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [OFF TOPIC]

Postby tony & spud » Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:14 pm

Great Vid Lou [smile]

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Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [OFF TOPIC]

Postby shane-uk » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:11 am

Daryl wrote:You can do this on here too.....

this video or a remake of it i think should be added to the main site as it shows what the dogs really do

Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [OFF TOPIC]

Postby SallyM47 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:34 pm

I so agree! Haven't seen this before (before my time!) but think it's perfect - with a re-write of the wording obviously. Be careful what you say, Shane, you might end up with a job!! I understand the website is currently under 'redesign' but it's been over 6 months now and seems to have stalled somewhat!? I don't know enough to be able to offer to help but hope someone does! [huh]
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Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [OFF TOPIC]

Postby shane-uk » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:54 pm

webdesign is a hobby of mine :) lol and when i get stuck i know a few webmasters both here in the UK and the US who could always help if needed

Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [OFF TOPIC]

Postby Judith » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:00 am

Work on the website is well underway, it's being delayed not by our webmaster but those of us who are reviewing and providing content! I shall pass on your suggestion of the video, I'd forgotten about it, to be honest (sorry Lou!)!

Our shiney new website will be up and running soon, I promise!
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