Insurance for SAR dog Handlers

An Area to discuss General Handler Issues

Re: Insurance for SAR dog Handlers

Postby sardogjames » Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:32 am

Thanks to all that have helped.
We have managed to get word from the police insurers and have confirmed that when I am on a search for any PenMaCRA (peninsular mountain and cave rescue) member or the police I am covered by thier insurance. If I am on a coastguard search that is only MCA I am not. Having said that As long as I advise the police and they agree to task me I am again covered... Golden rule here...make sure I am called out by PenMaCRA or the piice regardless of who the search is for!!

Here endth the lesson!!

happy searching all!
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Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:46 pm


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